Douyin is the world's largest short video community platform that caters to all age groups.

As of 2023, the daily active user count of Douyin has reached a staggering 790 million.

We can quickly help users establish social connections, increase interaction and exposure. With promoting your Douyin store, we can help you rapidly increase your visibility and tap into the Chinese market.

You can gain greater brand exposure and more business opportunities in the Chinese market.
You can quickly understand customer preferences and target your advertising accurately.
You can quickly penetrate the untapped market.
You can deliver real-time and accurate product education through live streaming.
Official Account Opening
1) Provide information and qualifications
2) Provide official influencer certification and verification qualification review
3) Open a Douyin store for you
Operational Position and Evaluation
1) Account position
2) Evaluate and position your products
Official Account Content Operation
1) Account Operation
Incubate your account, distribute targeted content, maintain subsequent fans, and summarize data reports
2) Content Operation
Plan and create content based on your brand to increase followers and engagement.
Provide one-stop services for maintaining followers and generating data reports
3) E-commerce Operation Arrange a professional team for video sales, live sales, and select alliances.
4) KOC/KOL marketing, and various marketing services
Marketing Service
1) Daily content promotion participation in activities such as Douyin Challenge Contests and National Tasks.
2) KOC/KOL marketing
Media advertising placement
1) Perform keyword screening, placement, and optimization
2) Search page/discovery page ads, surprise boxes, information flow ads, etc
Live Streaming Services
1) Provide live streaming scripts and content planning
2) Connect you with professional live streamers
More details about Douyin Operation
Douyin KOC/KOL Marketing

We can help you select suitable KOC/KOL for your brand and products to influence the target audience.
By engaging with the audience through KOC/KOL, you can drive user-generated content (UGC) to increase product visibility and expand brand influence.

Douyin Advertising

Douyin offers splash ads, feed ads, sticker ads, search ads, and storefront ads.

  • Splash ads
  • Promote your brand and engage users with full-screen videos as soon as they open the app which can increase brand exposure and user interaction.

  • Feed ads
  • Match users' interests and content to deliver targeted brand messages which can enhance user engagement and advertising effectiveness.

  • Sticker ads
  • Customize exclusive stickers for your brand and use them in videos to enhance brand image and attract users.

  • Search ads
  • Deliver precise promotional information related to users' search intent which can increase brand exposure and user conversion rates.

  • Storefront ads
  • Showcase selected products and offers to attract users to click and enter your brand's online store which can drive purchase behavior and sales growth.

We will customize suitable advertising promotion methods for your brand and product positioning.

Douyin Live Streaming

A platform that allows real-time interaction with customers, providing a wide audience and commercial opportunities to increase exposure and enhance influence.
We will assist you with brand positioning and assessment, scriptwriting for the live streams, and provide comprehensive services for your product's stream.

Douyin Challenges Contests and Douyin Nation Tasks

On Douyin, there will be some specific themes for users to participate and create short videos . Aiming to inspire users’ creativity and engagement, we will attend these activities for you to generate popular discussions and expand brand exposure and user interaction.